What Questions to Ask Hiring Manager During an Interview



If you’ve ever attended a job interview, you certainly know that once the session ends, you will be asked whether you have any questions to ask hiring managers. To have a chance of securing the job you want, your answer to the question should always be yes.

Showing that you’re interested in the job is what every hiring manager wishes to see in an ideal candidate. It means you have taken the time to prepare for the interview and researched the company. How can you achieve this? By preparing smart, relevant, and good questions to spike the attention of the interviewer.

If this is your first time considering this, and you’re unsure of which questions to ask, we have done the work for you. Below is a guide on what you should ask your hiring manager.

The Purpose of Asking Questions

Good questions to ask hiring manager during interviews are powerful tools that serve multiple purposes. It reflects your genuine interest in the company and the specific role you are interviewing for. Inquiring about the job description, specific job responsibilities, expectations, and the overall company culture, you gain a deeper understanding and convey your dedication to fulfilling the role effectively. 

Asking thoughtful questions is not just about satisfying your own curiosity. It’s also a strategic way to showcase your preparedness and engagement in the interview process. A potential employer appreciates candidates who take the time to understand the organization’s values, mission, and goals.

Choosing the Best Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager

The importance of choosing the right questions lies in the fact that it’s the last thing hiring managers will remember you by. Have 3 to 4 questions to ask hiring manager in advance, but make sure they’re not “yes” and “no” or generic questions. You can mix different types of questions about the role, company culture, work environment, or team dynamics. 

To help you better understand which are bad and good interview questions to ask hiring manager, take a look at the ones we’ve chosen:

Questions to askQuestions not to ask
What does a typical day look like?
Can you describe the working culture of the company?
What opportunities are there for training and progression?
What does success mean in this role? What was the last person in this role missing?
What are the biggest challenges my predecessor faced?
Am I a good fit for the company?
What does the job entail?
Who are the company’s main competitors?
Are any other jobs open?
When can I expect to receive a promotion?
Are you going to check my references or do a background check?
Do you care about the dress code?
When can I start taking vacation days or sick time?

To help you choose some questions, we prepared a list of sample questions you can ask at the end of the job interview. We divided them based on different areas like company, team, culture, etc.

Questions About Team Culture

  1. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?
  2. Who will I work with most closely? What other departments or units will I interact with?
  3. What are the biggest challenges that I might face in this position?

Questions About Skills and Credentials

  1. What are the essential skills and competencies for me to perform well in this role?
  2. Beyond the hard skills required to perform this job successfully, what soft skills would serve the company and position best?

Questions About Growth

  1. What professional development opportunities will I have to learn and grow?
  2. What are the common career paths in this department?

Questions About the Company

  1. How has the company changed over the last few years?
  2. What are the company’s plans for growth and development?
  3. What do new employees often find surprising after they start?

Personalized Questions Based on Interview Discussion

Personalizing interview questions to ask hiring manager is a strategic way to demonstrate active listening, engagement, and personal interest in shared information. Linking your questions to specific topics covered during the conversation demonstrates a genuine interest in the information discussed.

Another matter to consider is asking questions that reflect key points from the job interview. It demonstrates active listening skills, emphasizing your ability to effectively absorb and respond to information.

Use personalized questions to seek additional information and better understand areas of particular interest or concern. It is an opportunity to clarify and expand on crucial aspects of the company’s role.

Seeking Feedback

The natural thing to do is to understand the next steps in the hiring process. It helps to manage your expectations and emphasizes your proactive approach. Some questions you can ask on feedback can be on:

  • What are the next steps in the hiring process?
  • What is the timeframe for a hiring decision?

Another strategic move is to seek feedback on how your skills and experience align with the company’s needs. It conveys your commitment to growth and opens a constructive dialogue that can provide valuable insights into the hiring manager’s perspective.

Wrapping Up the Interview

As the interview concludes, you should express sincere gratitude for the given opportunity to attend an interview. This is best done in person before departing, using a positive tone to reflect your professionalism. 

A brief but heartfelt acknowledgment of your interest in the position and enthusiasm for the company further solidifies your position. It helps to align your personal and professional motivations with the company’s mission, leaving a memorable impression on the interviewers.

While wrapping up the interview, politely inquire about the timeline for a decision and express your eagerness for a follow-up.

Final Thoughts

A job interview whether one-on-one, group, or video interview is always challenging and stressful for job seekers. It takes a lot of work to impress hiring managers and secure a strong position among the other candidates. You should not seize the opportunity to prepare questions to ask hiring manager because it is a chance to demonstrate your continued interest and to assess whether the job aligns with your aspirations. 

It’s unrealistic to ask tens of questions to find out everything you wish to know. This is why you should strategically select those relevant to your interests and the specific role. Prepare them in advance and ensure they remain fresh in your mind during the interview.


Aim for at least two or three questions to show your interest and engagement. It’s advised not to exceed five questions because it may unnecessarily prolong the interview.

What if I have no questions at the end of the interview?

Saying you have no questions paints a different picture of you. Try to prepare a few questions beforehand, even if some have already been answered. Remember that preparing questions to ask hiring manager demonstrates your genuine interest in the job.

Is it acceptable to ask the interviewer questions?

While asking your interviewer to clarify specific points is acceptable, avoid asking about topics already discussed. You don’t want them to think you’re not paying attention.

Do interviewers prefer candidates who ask questions?

Yes, because it demonstrates to the hiring manager that you have seriously considered what it would mean to work in this role at this company. With the right questions, you’ll be able to demonstrate your understanding of the company and industry, as well as your desire to succeed in the new position.