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how to make resume with no experience

How to Make a Resume With No Experience Successfully

Finding your first job can be very challenging, but creating the perfect resume that will get you that first job may also seem like a difficult task. Standing at the beginning of your career road, having someone to guide you is very useful.  A well-written resume can make the tiring process of finding a job … Read More

what questions to ask hiring manager

What Questions to Ask Hiring Manager During an Interview

If you’ve ever attended a job interview, you certainly know that once the session ends, you will be asked whether you have any questions to ask hiring managers. To have a chance of securing the job you want, your answer to the question should always be yes. Showing that you’re interested in the job is … Read More

topresume reviews

TopResume Reviews: Is worth the money and how does it work?

If you’re looking for professional CV writing to help you land more interviews, it’s likely you’ve already heard of TopResume. With over 1 million customers, they might just be the largest resume writing service in the world. But does bigger always mean better? In this review, we’ll give you an in-depth look at their services … Read More

cover letter tips

Proven Cover Letter Tips for a Standout Application

We’ve all been there – in the middle of a job search, dream jobs picked out, resume ready, and no cover letter in sight. Many of us have sat in front of the screen with an open document, Googling for helpful cover letter writing tips. “Are cover letters even worth it?” often popped up.  The … Read More

How to Prepare for a Video Interview to Maximize Your Impact

The prevalence of remote work and global talent acquisition has set video call interviews to the forefront of recruitment strategies in today’s modern hiring. Beyond being a trend, this is a fundamental shift in how employers connect, evaluate, and select candidates. Therefore, learning how to prepare for a video interview has never been more critical.  … Read More

how to write cv for a sales job

How to Write a CV for a Sales Job: The Definitive Guide

Candidates on the hunt for a job in sales know how competitive the industry is. Standing out from the crowd may be a challenging task, but with a bullet-proof CV for a sales job, you will surely be among the top-ranking candidates.  To get noticed by a hiring manager, you’ll need to master your sales … Read More

resume writing mistakes

Top 6 Resume Writing Mistakes to Avoid for Job Search Success

A well-crafted rеsumе plays a critical rolе in thе job search process, acting as a gatеway to potential opportunities and sеrving as a first imprеssion for еmployеrs. However, there are some common resume writing mistakes that even the most qualified job searchers do. Well-written resumes serve as a concisе summary of an individual’s skill set, … Read More

how to get your resume noticed

How to Get Your Resume Noticed for Maximum Success

Anyone applying for a job in the current job market must be familiar with the art of writing an impactful resume. That is the key that gets you through the door and helps you book job interviews. Recruiters receive hundreds of resumes a day, and if you don’t figure out how to get your resume … Read More

skills resume sample

Skills Resume Sample

The skills resume format works best when your work experience is limited but your skills qualify you for the job. Download